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WiseGRID: Defining energy democracy

The WiseGRID project supports energy communities and small energy generators in a successful energy transition towards distributed, sustainable energy systems and offers tools and practices for a more sustainable pattern of energy consumption.

Traditionally, energy has been generated in big power plants, far away from the households where it would finally be consumed. In recent years, the rapid development of renewable power generation has unlocked a change to this one-way street from power generation to the consumption. With technologies such as solar power panels, battery storage and electric vehicles, citizens have the chance to take part in the energy transition and build a clean and sustainable environment together with Pan-European market players. The WiseGRID project was setup to address the question of how each individual can participate in the energy market with fair conditions to be treated as equals among the actors of the energy market.


Project Benefits

  • Improved network management
  • Decrease carbon emissions
  • Reduced Energy Bill
  • Improved Social Acceptance

Keywords: Energy communities, Energy storage, EV, smart meters, RES

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